Volume 4: The Kind of Life That I Want to Live In: aka. My Imaginary World

Hello, it's me again! Today, I am going to share with you the kind of life that I want to live in. I am *sure* that everyone has thought of the life that they want to live in, right? Well, I have, and I am going to share it with you right here, right now.

    For a starter, I have always wished that I lived in a world where people can just relax and do all those things that they desire. For example, reading books, and enjoying the cool breeze or looking azure sky. Just thinking about it makes me happy and excited ! :) 
    Next, my imaginary world has all kinds of flora and fauna that you can EVER think of! From pine trees, and lemon grass to proboscis monkeys, and toucans! This world's air is utterly fresh and everyone is as healthy as an ox. 
    Other than that, everyone in this world is so kind and friendly, fights don't even exist in this world! This world is PEACEFUL and everyone's as happy as a lark~!  This world filled with positivity all around it, so you will definitely feel very cheerful if you live in it.
    To wrap this volume up, I would like add that nothing is impossible, so maybe someday our imaginary world will become REAL LIFE. Well, that's all from me today. Bye and have a great day ahead!

Picture of  an azure sky 
Credits: https://unsplash.com/s/photos/azure-sky