Volume 9: Best Friends at My House
Hello, it's been a while (mainly because I have exams) and the good news is: the exam is officially over today, and my friends decided to do the art project due next week at my house!(Half to celebrate the exam is over)
*Caramel, Sleeping Beauty, and Sunshine are my friends, I won't post their real names due to privacy reasons*
Caramel came first, while Sleeping Beauty and Sunshine were late! When Sunshine came, me and Caramel decided to prank Sunshine by hiding at the back of the door and jumping up. The same was for Sleeping Beauty. It was so hilarious when they screamed!🤣
First, as the sketcher, Caramel sketch the main things for our project. We chatted about gossips while Caramel sketched it. Rushing to her piano lesson, Caramel then left, leaving me, Sleeping Beauty and Sunshine at my house. We painted the paper carefully to our satisfaction.
After doing the work that we intended, we decided it's PLAY TIME! First, I showed Sleeping Beauty and Sunshine my house's garden. They were amazed of the nature's work and took some pictures of it. We also took pictures of each other~
Anyways, we then proceeded to playing the Monopoly game while playing truth of dare. We definitely had a whale of a time! Psst: The truths were so astonishing!

Well, I guess that's all for my friends' visit to my house and have a great day~