Volume 12: Thank You, Mdm. Lau!

        Hello... Today is a day that I can never, ever forget. My class teacher retired today. We call her "Liu Lao Shi", which basically means "Mdm. Lau". 

        This morning, when I arrived at school, I quickly told my classmates to help decorate the class with balloons. However, while we were very busy decorating, we had to go down to the school hall for an assembly, especially for my class teacher. So, I hurried down to the school hall with a present that my mum bought. By the way, I hope she liked the present. 

        In the assembly, the school headmistress and my good friend made a speech each for Mdm. Lau. I saw she was on the verge of tears....Me and my classmates also danced, but I think I danced the wrong way several times... (It was so embarrassing!) Finally, it was time for Mdm. Lau to make a speech. I was honestly on the verge of tears during her speech, but when she mentioned our class, I broke into tears. My friends broke into tears too. We were just too sad that this great, motivational teacher was retiring!

        Before the assembly ended, we sent presents and guess what? A few persons that were once the students of Mdm. Lau showed their appreciation too.

        After the assembly, me and my classmates finished the decoration and invited Mdm. Lau to join the party~There were watermelon, cheese tarts, jelly cake, juices, fish balls, and hot dogs! We had a whale of a time with Mdm. Lau. After eating, Mdm. Lau decided to go home. Before she left the class, we each hugged her. Then, we watched her left reluctantly...

        It was indeed an emotional event for us, and....I wish Mdm. Lau to live happily and healthily every day! Mdm. Lau, we will always miss+love you~

        Well, then,have a good day ahead, readers!