Volume 16: A School Trip

    Hi! Just on Wednesday, my friends and I (technically all the students the same age as me) went to a school to visit, as the school wanted to invite more people to their school. We went there by bus. It was my first time on a bus with my friends, I was so excited! First, we went to the lab. I was fascinated as there was a rabbit and two mice. They were so cute, seriously! 😆 There were even fresh grasses to feed the rabbit~ Then, we went to play frisbee! The students taught us how to throw frisbee, and they gave us a chance to try it! I threw mine perfectly (better than my expectations)

    I forgot the orders then, but here's where we 
    visited summarized  :                                         - Basketball and volleyball court (tried to play)
                                                                                -  Squash court (tried to play)
                                                                                - Art room (learnt a few techniques on how to cut                                                                                              flowers)
                                                                                -  Canteen (gave us a hot dog bun with egg and a                                                                                            packet drink which was the best I have ever had)
                                                                                -Audotorium (watched students perform. There were                                                                                   5 girls with super fashionable clothes dancing the                                                                                       song "Tomboy". I told them that they are pretty                                                                                           and handsome(in a girl way))
                                                                                -Library (with super good books inside!) 

       I absolutely love this school! It's so perfect! Now I'm jealous of my classmates and friends who will go to this school😖 Ahh!! Hopefully I can go to this school (maybe!)...Well then, that's the end of my sharing and have a good day ahead!