Volume 17: Always Believe In Yourself

 Volume 17: Always Believe In Yourself

        Hi! Today I want to share about my achievement at a mathematics competition just yesterday!

        So, yesterday, my friends and I went to our school for a competition. Other students from the same division went to our school too. When I saw them, my first impression of them was: Wow. They all seemed very smart and I'm sure that I'm not going to win, it's just for an experience-    

        Yeah. I was that unconfident.

        Time flies and it was time that we sat for the competition. We had to finish 100 questions in one hour! It was definitely insane for me. As expected, I didn't get to finish at least 10 questions....but I can't deny that I've tried my best. Plus, there's no turning back. 

        Honestly, I still think that the questions are quite easy, but I just couldn't finish them because of the time limit. I was literally panicking every second. 

         Finally, the competition/test was over. We made it! All the participants got a happy meal from Mcdonald's and it was such an enjoyment (supposed to be!). The weird thing is, I can't, well, really b enjoy this meal in front of me that usually make me dream of. I just felt just complete down. 

        After a while, it was time to announce the winner! Yay! My hands were trembling..... wondering if I was one of the winners?? Please, let me have one of those trophies!!! The announcer announced my friends' names as the winners of “安慰奖” (I don't know what's the translation). I saw them walking to the stage to receive the trophy.  I really hoped there was a place for me! Even though it's not the champion...

        "And lastly, we have... XXX for our winners of "安慰奖"!" What?? I think I heard my name!! (Although I think the announcer pronounced it wrongly) I was actually one of the proud winners! I can't believe it!!! I hurried to the stairs and received the trophy. Our school won 4 trophies! I was proud of myself and I learnt a very valuable lesson.

        -Always believe in yourself because hey, you never know what's going to happen in the end!-

        Alright, it's time to call an end for this volume! Bye, and do have a great week ahead!