Volume 24: Update ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ + Trip to Sabah (Semporna, Tawau, Kota Kinabalu) Pt.1

   Hey guys~ Its been a long while since I wrote in this blog! So in today's post, I just want to share with you my life for the past months (??) or you can say like it's just an update on my recent life!!
        Okay, so, to start with, life's been good! I had exams, studied, lived, cooked, baked, slept....basically just like normal! I got normal grades (I thought I was gonna die) Some subjects were SUPER hard and I was at the verge of not getting an A.. After some fierce debate with the teacher, I finally got 80, which was an A to my school. Thank god for that!!! For 2024, I shall study that subject better TvT wish me good luck!!

        And for CNY 2024, my sister has a super important test to attend soooo when my friends are 80% all going to South Korea and Japan, I envied them so much AAAAA TvT But anyways, after my sister's exam, my family and I went to Sabah~~ We ended up going to Semporna and Tawau and Kota Kinabalu!!
Semporna was like, so pretty!!!
Here are some pics from my travel~~

Mabul~~The water there is like, so clear????? Like, look for yourself :o

Behind the pretty mirror pics --->>>

Me, myself and I

Ft. the tour guides and the crystal clear sea <3

Places I went to/ stayed at

1. OHHSEM HOTEL Semporna

Review: 4/5 
 ✅was a decent place to stay at in semporna 
✅place was nice
✅its quiet at night
✅the decorations are lit
✅gave shampoo 
✅comfy beds
✅safe place
✅located near the jetty, basically like a 15 mins walk??
✅located near the town (?) like seafest square

❌ it was just overall okish
❌ just an average inn (or room)

2. Fat Mom's Restaurant

cant think of any, gave that 1 point cos 0 point is just too ruthless 

❌I dont hate the food, I UTTERLY HATE IT.
❌the young owner is always shouting at his workers like whatt chill broo 
❌the workers just look at you like they dont welcome you
❌ everything was SWEET.
the food was nasty. as a chinese, i strongly recommend you guys to NOT come here. everything was too sweet and NO, this is NOT like semporna's style or anything. other restaurants are literally x100 better than this
❌drinks taste weird 
it's like made of chlorine??

3. Mabul island

went there for some snorkelling and picss

Review: 4.9/5
everything was so pretty!! unfortunately, it wasnt a good weather.. it was raining and it was literally my first ever time trying to snorkel 
I ended up getting splashed by the waves multiple times and got seasick
⭐rmb to eat pills to prevent seasick guyss

4. Kapalai Island

Unfortunately, I got seasick and I didnt get the chance to snorkel there TvT
But the view was LIT
 Review: 4.9/5

5. U Welcome Seafood Restaurant

Review: 5/5
the seafood was SO. GOOD.
had an average view but its def better than fat mom's
not overpriced
this is the real semporna style y'all

6.  Bohey Dulang

Review: 5/5
did some very dangerous and terrifying (slippery)hiking only to see this!!!!!!
now this is the real "breathtaking view"!!

7.Mantabuan Island

Review: 5/5
i did some snorkelling around here too!!
literally so good

that's it for part oneeee
baibai, stay tuned for part two :3 🔸