
Volume 24: Update ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ + Trip to Sabah (Semporna, Tawau, Kota Kinabalu) Pt.1

     Hey guys~ Its been a long while since I wrote in this blog! So in today's post, I just want to share with you my life for the past months (??) or you can say like it's just an update on my recent life!!            Okay, so, to start with, life's been good! I had exams, studied, lived, cooked, baked, slept....basically just like normal! I got normal grades (I thought I was gonna die) Some subjects were SUPER hard and I was at the verge of not getting an A.. After some fierce debate with the teacher, I finally got 80, which was an A to my school. Thank god for that!!! For 2024, I shall study that subject better TvT wish me good luck!!          And for CNY 2024, my sister has a super important test to  attend soooo when my friends are 80% all going to South Korea and Japan, I envied them so much AAAAA TvT But anyways, after my sister's exam, my family and I went to Sabah~~ We ended up going to Semporna and Tawau and Kota Kinabalu!! Semporna was like, so pretty!!!    H

Volume 23: Waffles

Hi guys!  It has certainly been a while! Today I made waffles! I know it's not rlly perfect since it's my first time making them. It was really crispy and I loved it! I ran out of vanilla essence so I skipped it.. but it was still so good! Believe me, it is rlly gud! Here's the link of the tutorial I followed! quick tips:  1.don't fill ur pan with too much batter or else u will have to wait for a long time! It may not cook throughly too!     2.  brush the pan with some oil (for the first batch only) 3. Let it cook until its golden brown and crispy!                 Enjoy ur waffles!🧇      

Volume 22: A Movie Review: Moonfall

           Hi! Today I'm going to review a movie, namely: "Moonfall".            ========================================================== I personally think that it's overall a good movie and worth your time of watching it. I would say that it is a thriller because there are some plots that can make you nervous for the characters in the movie. For example, the part when the "worm" chased the main characters when they got inside the moon's core. The "worm" nearly got them after the spaceship started to lose control. Luckily, a beam of light dragged the spaceship into a room and locked the "worm" outside. The "worm" couldn't get in since the door was specially designed to prevent them from coming inside the room.  Although there are some plots that can make your heart beat so fast, there are plots that can make you cry (at least me). Let me explain: The part when K.C. Houseman sacrificed himself so that neither Brian nor

Volume 21: On A Trip

         Hi! Today I'm going to share about my trip around Sarawak!                     My family and I started our journey from Miri. We went to Bintulu and stayed in Parkcity Everly Hotel.(I introduced it in one of my blogs) The cakes there tasted great and I really enjoyed staying there! (the link)            Then, we went to Sibu and tried local delicacies. There's an old shop selling " 鼎边糊" which is very popular among visitors and locals.           Chop Hing Huong This is the shop selling "鼎边糊",you can try it when you're in Sibu! Photo credits: Google   This is the address:  2-40, Jalan Tukang Besi, Pekan Sibu, 96000 Sibu, Sarawak     Of course, we had to take a picture with the landmark of Sibu--The Swan! We also went to Lau King Howe Hospital Memorial Museum. It's a medical museum and I saw lots of tools that doctors in the past used. You will get lots of knowle

Volume 20: A Problem That Occurs When You're On An Airplane

  Hello~ It's been a while, isn't it? There are two main reasons: I had my exams a few weeks ago and I don't have a single idea about what to write. Today will be an assessment about a problem that occurs when you're on an airplane--a baby crying, not loud, but VERY LOUD.            The question for this assessment is: Babies crying on flights is a divisive topic. How do you deal with this problem if you encounter one?  Personally, I haven't experienced it before, but what I've heard from those who have, it's VERY LOUD.               If I ever encountered one of these-not-so-pleasant-experience, I would advise the mother to let the baby drink some water/milk so that the baby will hiccup. Hiccuping can help the baby equalize the oxygen in their ears and the outer surroundings. According to the internet, the reason of why babies cry on an airplane is normally because they are not good at pressure equalization in the middle ear. My suggestion would probably hel

Volume 19: A Day Made Just For Us Students

          Hi, good afternoon! It's a day made just for us students today-It's Children's Day! We usually have to wear neat uniforms and school shoes to school, but today, we can choose our own outfits and shoes! I wore a rainbow t-shirt and jogger pants. Some of my friends wore a dress, while some preferred pants.          We had an assembly in the school hall first. We watched a lot of impressive performances. When the assembly ended, we got to eat in our own classroom (more like a party where we bring food and drinks to share with others). I bought homemade sushi. They tasted so good!                   We even got to play and go to other's classrooms! After a few hours, we then went home. I had so much fun today!

Volume 18: My Favorite Song

    Hello there! Today, I am going to share all about my favorite song, "Numb Little Bug".                                     About The Singer/ Writer and Her Family "Numb Little Bug" was written by Em Beihold (pronounced as bye-hold).  Em Beihold's actual name is Emily Beihold and she was born in Los Angeles, California on January 21, 2022. She began to learn the piano at the young age of six after she saw one in the shop window of a piano shop and begged her parents to let her learn it. She began to write songs at the age of seven. The first song that she wrote was "America Home". Her mum moved from Iran to America because of a war.                                                                 The pretty Em Beihold~~ Inspiration for Em Beihold to create "Numb Little Bug" Well, this song is inspired by her experience of being on antidepressants while struggling with depression and anxiety. For your information, antidepressants are a class

Volume 17: Always Believe In Yourself

  Volume 17: Always Believe In Yourself          Hi! Today I want to share about my achievement at a mathematics competition just yesterday!          So, yesterday, my friends and I went to our school for a competition. Other students from the same division went to our school too. When I saw them, my first impression of them was: Wow. They all seemed very smart and I'm sure that I'm not going to win, it's just for an experience-              Yeah. I was that unconfident.          Time flies and it was time that we sat for the competition. We had to finish 100 questions in one hour! It was definitely insane for me. As expected, I didn't get to finish at least 10 questions....but I can't deny that I've tried my best. Plus, there's no turning back.           Honestly, I still think that the questions are quite easy, but I just couldn't finish them because of the time limit. I was literally panicking every second.           Finally, the competition/test was

Volume 16: A School Trip

     Hi! Just on Wednesday, my friends and I (technically all the students the same age as me) went to a school to visit, as the school wanted to invite more people to their school. We went there by bus. It was my first time on a bus with my friends, I was so excited! First, we went to the lab. I was fascinated as there was a rabbit and two mice. They were so cute, seriously! 😆 There were even fresh grasses to feed the rabbit~ Then, we went to play frisbee! The students taught us how to throw frisbee, and they gave us a chance to try it! I threw mine perfectly (better than my expectations)     I forgot the orders then, but here's where we      visited summarized  :                                         - Basketball and volleyball court (tried to play)                                                                                 -  Squash court (tried to play)                                                                                 - Art room (learnt a few techniques on

Volume 15: Novels or Movies?

          Hello, good afternoon! Today, I am going to share my opinion about liking novels or movies more.   🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥 🎥 🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥╳📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘📘           Personally, I prefer novels over movies. Let me share the reasons why I chose novels. Firstly, novels, which are a type of book, are portable and easy to carry. You could read them in a subway station (if your country has them), on an airplane, in a restaurant, or at school (if you're still a student). Yeah... you get the picture.  Secondly, novels can help you reduce stress. Although watching movies are also ways to reduce stress, you will have to watch the movies on a tablet, a computer, or even a television. That's actually more harmful to the eyes and you will feel more tired after watching movies. On the other way, novels are very efficient in reducing stress.                                                Thirdly, of course, the plots in novels are much more detailed compared to movies. Some plot

Volume 14: What is That?!!

    Hello! Today, I'm going to share about a fun activity in English class that kept me awake and questioning myself all night.     Our English teacher called out 6 people to volunteer as leaders of the groups first. Then, the leaders took turns to choose their teammates. I was chosen by Caramel. She chose me, Aurora, Lemon, YX and E to be in her team.        After that, she told the group leaders about the rules and instructions of this activity. I honestly didn't hear much about what they said but I think it was some sort of experiment to see how big the difference of our drawings will be compared to the original one.     Soon, the activity started. We took our our crayons and papers and put it on someone's back. E drew behind Caramel, while she drew behind Lemon. Lemon drew behind me and I drew behind YX, while she drew behind Aurora.            When the activity ended, our English teacher instructed us to write our names and numbers on the back page.      Then, everyone

Volume 13: Friends

    What does it exactly mean by friends, and how can we differentiate between friends and best friends?           Hello! Today, I am going to share my definition of the word "friends" and how can you differentiate  between friends and best friends.          Friendship is one of the kinds of relationships that can bring you joy and happiness.        So, how can we actually, well, differentiate between best friends and friends?        To answer this question that may be bothering some of you, what you need to know are the definitions of friends and best friends. In my definition, friends are important human beings that will never let you be lonely and accompany you no matter what. They are also good teammates.         According to the internet, friends are a blanket term for a person of a more casual friendship, and best friends are special friendships that require time, loyalty, love, care, and trust to secure it.        \         And how do you know if someone considers you

Volume 12: Thank You, Mdm. Lau!

         Hello... Today is a day that I can never, ever forget. My class teacher retired today. We call her "Liu Lao Shi", which basically means "Mdm. Lau".            This morning, when I arrived at school, I quickly told my classmates to help decorate the class with balloons. However, while we were very busy decorating, we had to go down to the school hall for an assembly, especially for my class teacher. So, I hurried down to the school hall with a present that my mum bought. By the way, I hope she liked the present.           In the assembly, the school headmistress and my good friend made a speech each for Mdm. Lau. I saw she was on the verge of tears....Me and my classmates also danced, but I think I danced the wrong way several times... (It was so embarrassing!)  Finally, it was time for Mdm. Lau to make a speech. I was honestly on the verge of tears during her speech, but when she mentioned our class, I broke into tears. My friends broke into tears too. We w

Volume 11: My Trip to Bintulu

   Good evening! In this volume, I'm going to share about my trip to Bintulu. I went there for 3 days, which started yesterday. My father drove us there and I saw a lot of greens along the drive. After 4 hours, we finally arrived at Bintulu.            (Yesterday)As it was lunchtime, we ate lunch in a cafe nearby. Personally, I think the fried pork and rice that I ordered is too oily. We checked in the hotel after that. The hotel that we are staying in is called "Parkcity Everly Hotel." It is next to  "The Spring", and the view from my hotel room is exquisite~!  This hotel has a BIG swimming pool.       For dinner, we went to a Korean barbeque restaurant with my uncle who's currently working there! It was so good and I really recommend it!  Hanwoori Korean BBQ Restaurant (The restaurant's name)          (Today) We woke up at 7pm today and took a walk at the beach. The breeze was really cool and I really enjoyed it! Then, we ate breakfast at a local cafe.

Volume 10: Met a Old Best Friend At a Bookstore

 Hello! Today, I want to share about me meeting my old best friend at a bookstore yesterday.                 Yesterday night, at about 8pm, my mum suddenly decided to go to a shopping mall because she had something to buy there. When we arrived there, (maybe 8.20pm or something?) me and my sister dashed to the bookstore there to buy a few books. Suddenly, my mum patted my shoulder. 'Is that... Emmexxxx?'                 I turned my head. Omg! It's really her! My old friend transferred to a new school in primary 4-5 because of her mum's work. We quickly said hi and hugged each other.  Then, while chatting, she told me that her birthday is arriving soon, so I bought a nice friendship necklace in another shop as a birthday gift.  We also took pictures of us wearing the necklaces. (Forgive me, I can't insert the pictures)                        Well, I guess that's all, bye!

Volume 9: Best Friends at My House

    Hello, it's been a while (mainly because I have exams) and the good news is: the exam is officially over today, and my friends decided to do the art project due next week at my house!(Half to celebrate the exam is over)               *Caramel, Sleeping Beauty, and Sunshine are my friends, I won't post their real names due to privacy reasons*                  Caramel came first, while Sleeping Beauty and Sunshine were late! When Sunshine came, me and Caramel decided to prank Sunshine by hiding at the back of the door and jumping up. The same was for Sleeping Beauty. It was so hilarious when they screamed!🤣                First, as the sketcher, Caramel sketch the main things for our project. We chatted about gossips while Caramel sketched it.  Rushing to her piano lesson, Caramel then left, leaving me, Sleeping Beauty and Sunshine at my house. We painted the paper carefully to our satisfaction.                 After doing the work that we intended, we decided it's PLAY

Volume 8: A Tragedy Just Because of a Heartbreak (Story) Part 2

  Hii~Welcome to my blog again! Today, I will be continuing the story " A Tragedy Just Because of a Heartbreak".                             ~🎩~🎩~🎩~🎩~🎩~🎩~🎩~🎩~🎩~🎩~🎩~🎩~🎩~🎩~🎩~                           As I was saying, I found a treasure map in a glass bottle somewhere on the deserted island. Out of curiosity, I decided to search for the treasure, and hopefully, I can find something that's worth all the work and time finding it.                             But of course, before starting to search for the treasure, I had a big problem to solve: I do not have any tools! What if there is an emergency?                           Like Lady Luck was helping me, right when I was worried about not having any tools,  I saw a part of the plane being washed on shore, and look! When I searched the inside of it, I saw what I have been looking for--an emergency kit with torch lights, batteries, ropes,  fluorescent tubes, some plastic bottles, an axe, Swiss knives, and even a

Volume 7: A Tragedy Just Because of a Heartbreak (Story) Part 1

  Imagine yourself being on a deserted island with only mountains, coconuts, crabs, birds, insects, caves, and a great big treasure, because that's what I'm experiencing right now.       Let me tell you how I ended up here first.       So, it all started because I was experiencing this utterly painful heartbreak and I wanted to travel to someplace nice to forget this experience. In the middle of the night, when on a flight halfway to Australia,  I heard the pilot shouting into the microphone: 'Brace! Brace! Brace !', followed by a sudden big, loud, crash!          I felt myself falling through the air...                                                 ...feeling so miserable and hopeless.          That's all I could remember. I lost consciousness after that.                                             ..............................................................           After recovering consciousness, my eyes finally opened... only to see the remains of the airpl